MORE than 1,000 pieces of art will be hidden around Peterborough city centre for local people to find and keep.
The ‘FindMeKeepMe’ event will take place in Cathedral Square on Saturday, March 30 from 11am to 3pm. It has been organised by Creative Peterborough – an independent funding body set up in 2011 to champion the needs of city artists – and supported by Vivacity and the Arts Council.
Around 50 local artists, performers and musicians have collaborated to produce a diverse range of work to be hidden around the city and then given away as gifts in a “treasure hunt” style event.
Shoppers will be given a treasure trail map to follow and find the hidden items, which include paintings, poems and crafts, at various sites and shops around the city centre.
There will also be live music and performance art displays, which people will be able to take part in, and two local photographers – Chris Porsz and Mel Evans – will take pictures of people on the day.
Keely Mills, from Creative Peterborough, said: “The event is a result of the growing profile of art in Peterborough and the high quality of work that is produced here. It will also give local artists the opportunity to showcase their work.
“I have been shocked by their generosity. To know we are giving away 1,000 pieces of work is testament to the city’s enhancing cultural scene. We just want the Peterborough public to come into the city and take them home.”
To find out more visit Creative Peterborough’s Facebook group, following the Twitter account @CreativePboro #findmekeepme or visit