- Photo upload feature on car sharing website
A PHOTO upload facility is being added to the online car-share service operated by Peterborough City Council’s Travelchoice team to help people select potential travel partners.
The Peterborough car-share scheme – part of the national Liftshare initiative – has already helped hundreds of people save on their travel costs and reduced local traffic congestion. Now it’s helping people to choose their partners on looks as well as geographical fit. The council’s announcement doesn’t mention the likelihood of adding star signs and hobbies.
Travelchoice team manager Nicola Francis said, “Research by Liftshare suggests that people who include a photo with their travel request details are six per cent more likely to receive a car share request and 30 per cent more likely to submit one.
“We hope our new photo facility will help more people car-share when it is introduced on Monday 4 January. Naturally, people who want to car-share should follow the sensible advice provided online before disclosing any personal information with a potential car sharer.
“Car sharing is an inexpensive, sustainable and practical alternative to driving alone and its popularity is increasing rapidly. Sharing instantly saves people money, reduces the amount of traffic on the roads, reduces pollution and enables users to meet new people.”
Over 1000 members are currently registered with Carsharepeterborough.com, which is a free and easy-to-use online service. It allows people to make contact with others who undertake similar journeys on a regular basis so they can arrange to travel together.
Users are advised not to reveal home address information before meeting a potential car-share partner in a public place and checking the other person’s identity details. People are also advised not to proceed with any sharing arrangements if they have any doubts about potential sharers.
Peterboroughbusiness.co.uk has issued a warning to anybody who might consider choosing car-sharing pals on looks alone after this photo, left, appeared against the editor’s profile.
More safety advice as well as a cost calculator and frequently asked questions can be found at www.carsharepeterborough.com
Peterborough already has a ‘photo’ car share website http://www.isanyonegoingto.com launched in 2004 by Craig Slater at a cost of £0. This site has served Peterborough and the rest of the UK for many years….
Keep Up Travel Choice and spend your millions on promoting a FREE service that really makes a difference….